Category: UK

Building a world free from nuclear weapons

Nuclear weapons and your university

Jack Ballingham is a member of Durham University CND. Many of us have heard about the great work being done by Demilitarise Education recently about getting the arms trade off university campuses – but did you know that your university could have links to the nuclear weapons industry? Just like the conventional arms trade, Britain’s…
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The current Coronavirus pandemic represents a significant challenge for our society and YSCND offers solidarity to all our supporters affected by the crisis and extends our gratitude to all our essential workers who have put their own health at risk for the benefit of us all. While CND’s national office has been closed since the…
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NUCLEAR War and climate CATASTROPHE: the two big threats

In the aftermath of the Second World War, a group of scientists who had participated in the Manhattan Project, which produced the world’s first nuclear weapons, set up the Doomsday Clock to determine how close humanity was to a catastrophe caused by human activity. In January of this year, the clock was put at 100…
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Why Trump’s latest budget shows YSCND is more important than ever

Earlier this week, when announcing his latest budget, President Donald Trump called for $28.9 billion to upgrade the missiles that deliver US nuclear weapons, as well as $19.8 billion for modernising the nuclear weapons stockpile. This reinforces the central role of America’s 6,185 nuclear weapons in US military strategy. This is a nearly 20% increase…
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*Guest Blog Post* A world without nuclear weapons?

A world without nuclear weapons?  I would definitely go for that – and have been doing so for at least 60 years!  But, let’s be positive – a world WITH what?   Stores of conventional weapons at least enough to commit Guernicas, Coventrys or Dresdens over and over again?  Surely not – even though it’s…
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Nuclear weapons: an outdated solution

What is the UK’s biggest political issue? A recent YouGov survey found that most people are concerned by either Brexit or the economy. Just 23% of people found defence and security to be the most important issues in Britain. So why does the UK government behave as if everyone in the UK believes the rest…
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Not my President: how Donald Trump threatens the entire world – and what we can do to stop him

Donald Trump is the peace movement’s greatest enemy, but he could become its greatest asset. 20th January 2018 marked a year since Donald J. Trump was inaugurated as President of the United States. Whilst he is deplorable in pretty much every category, Trump’s warmongering is one of his most shocking and dangerous qualities. According to…
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The current case for Nuclear Disarmament

In recent years the case for disarmament has not only gained spotlight with the state of the Korean peninsula but also gained justification as the renewal of Britain’s nuclear ‘deterrent’ is set to cost the treasury a figure close to £205 billion pounds. With a pro-trident PM in power there is currently no realistic possibility…
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‘AtomKraft? Nein Danke’ Hinkley Point and the dangers of nuclear energy in 2018

  On December 31st 2017 at 12pm Germany officially shutdown the Gundremmingen B boiling water reactor in Southern Germany, ending its 33 years of operation. This move comes as part of a policy to permanently wean the German power grid away from nuclear power and onto more sustainable and safe sources. This has not always…
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Progress towards Disarmament in 2017

As another politically divisive year draws to a close, it’s time to reflect on the progress we’ve made towards nuclear disarmament. In a year that saw President Trump threatening to ‘totally destroy’ North Korea at the UN General Assembly, Corbyn’s Labour manifesto accepting the continuation of t he Trident programme, and Kim Jong-un testing both…
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