What’s New?

What are YSCND up to at the moment?

Want to keep up with the latest from YSCND? 

For up-to-the-minute updates, check out our Twitter. You’ll be the first to know when we launch something new or if we’re promoting an action, or looking for new team members. 

You can also have a look at our campaigns to see what we’re working on. 

For past and upcoming events, check this out.

If you’re looking for information about what we think and what we’re up to, why not check out our blog? If you want to write a guest spot for our blog, drop us a line and we’ll be happy to publish your work.


We're busy campaigning for a nuclear weapons-free UK and world. Have a look at what we're working on.


Have a look at our events past and future, and get in touch with us if there's an event you'd like to hold with us.


Wondering what we think about current events or looking for the latest news? Check out our blog for up-to-date news.